Roof anti-icing heating

Roof anti-icing heating system 12v

Salmerk 12v – is a next generation professional energy saving heating system for your roof.

The heating technology of Salmerk 12v is based upon the use of wide flexible and safe aluminium heating strips and distributes heat in an efficient and uniform manner, this means low energy consumption or in other words lower energy bills.

Salmerk roof heating system does not require any maintenance service has more than 50 years operational lifetime, that make this anti-icing system cost saving. For better convenience the system kit includes automatic termostat, which allows you to regulate the heating directly from your home. Salmerk anti-icing system for roofs has flexible and stable heating element and can be easily mounted under soft roofing or soft shingles.



Using Salmerk roof heating system helps you to prevent  icicles and glazed ice on the roof, snow banks around the building and let you less worry about people on the site, parked vehicles and roof structure.

The main advantage of Salmerk roof heating system is less than 1mm thickness, that allows you to install it under soft roofing without any changes of the look of the roof. Salmerk can be used in any region, regardless of local climatic conditions!

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The Salmerk heating system — is a unique technology. Cost efficiency, durability and ease of use make Salmerk system as one of the most cost saving and rational solutions for heating objects of various special purposes.

Salmerk heating systems are widely used in the private housing, industrial and commercial construction, agriculture, motor-vehicle industry and other industries too.

The manufacturing company is looking to cooperate with partners in multiple countries of the World:

◦            Distributors

◦            Commercial network

◦            Specialized e-commerce sites

◦            Construction and specialized stores

◦            Real estate developers and construction companies

◦            Utility rooms and construction module buildings manufactures

◦            Wheelhouses and mounting houses manufactures

◦            And other wholesale buyers


For specialized objects such as:

◦            Outdoor and indoor sports centers and stadiums

◦            Agricultural complexes, greenhouse facilities

◦            Heat pipelines

◦            Warehouses and production facilities

◦            Schools, kindergardens etc.

as well as objects with the area of more than 500 m2, Salmerk offers design solutions and the preparation of individual commercial proposals with the use of Salmerk heating technology.

The proposal is made on the basis of the project documentation provided by you.

Please send your partnership proposals on

new electric underfloor heating system kit 12v

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